Keravita Pro by ‘Benjamin Jones’ is a bizarre supplement that will supposedly help you get rid of your nail fungus infection and keep you in overall good health. But can it really do that? In this review, you’re going to find out all you need to know about this product and the reasons why it may or may not be the answer to your toenail fungus problems. So let’s begin!
Keravita Pro supplement was launched in November 2020. It claims to be the dietary supplement that will help you take care of your nails and hair. According to Mr. Jones, his ‘life-time vision is that of a world with healthier nails.’ So he has dedicated his adult life to researching ways to keep you in good health and free from fungal infections.
Bizarrely, the Keravita Pro website contains very little, vague information. It also features no testimonials or the typical claims we usually expect from supplements such as this. But does that make Keravita Pro a legit supplement that indeed works? We’ll find out so keep reading!
Backstory of Keravita Pro Supplement
Benjamin Jones calls himself a researcher with 17 years of experience. According to him, he is ‘passionate’ about helping people ‘to live better lives’ and ‘spread awareness on how anyone can help support a healthy set of nails and hair.’ He claims that he’s now approaching the ‘end’ of his career and so it’s time to share with the world all the ‘mountains of knowledge’ he has gathered over the years regarding how to properly take care of your hair and nails.
After he was done sharing his supposed ‘mountain of knowledge’ (see next subheading), Mr. Jones informs us that he spent most of his research work perfecting ‘a simple, yet powerful formula, consisting of amazing vitamins and plants.’ He believes that this ‘formula’ will make ‘a positive impact in people’s lives.’
With the formula ready, Jones partners with a ‘small company’ owned by his friends to turn it into a supplement, which they name Keravita Pro. He claims that Keravita Pro was subjected to ‘many trials’ and is made in their ‘FDA approved and GMP certified facility, under sterile, strict and precise standards.’
How to Keep Your Toenails Healthy and Free from Fungus According to Keravita Pro
According to Benjamin Jones, here are a few things you can do if you want to support your nails and overall health:
- ‘Keep your feet clean and dry.’
- Keep your nails thin’ by filing them regularly. Jones says that not doing so will cause any topical remedy applied to them to be ineffective as the nails are too thick to absorb them.
- ‘Avoid homemade remedies’ like apple cider vinegar and ‘tea tree oil.’ Jones claims that these remedies may work in the short term but ultimately, they don’t address the ‘root cause’ of nail problems and may even make it worse in the long run.
- ‘Wear lightweight and breathable socks.’ Jones recommends not wearing any socks that make your feet sweat (for instance, ‘polystyrene socks).
- ‘Don’t walk barefoot’ even inside your home. Jones recommends wearing socks or slippers in the house in order to ‘avoid coming in direct contact with the bacteria on that certain surface.’
Now while these recommendations are solid, they are common knowledge. There is nothing special about them and certainly not what someone with a supposed 17 years of research experience can claim to be the ‘mountain of knowledge’ he accumulated over the years.
Maybe this knowledge can be demonstrated in the choice of ingredients? Let’s find out!
Ingredients of Keravita Pro Supplement

The ingredients of Keravita Pro fungus supplement include
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
- Vitamin E (as D-alpha tocopherol)
- Selenium (as selenium amino acid chelate)
- Graviola leaf
- Raspberry
- Green tea
- Beta-glucan
- Turmeric
- And many other herbs (see label)
Now while there is nothing wrong with these ingredients, they are very generic. I don’t see these ingredients reversing your toenail fungus infection, as none of them have been proven to actually be therapeutic against fungus.
How Much Does it Cost?
A bottle of Keravita Pro supplement costs $69. Two other plans exist:
- A 3-bottle plan costing $177
- 6 bottles costing $294
Each plan comes with ‘free US shipping’ and is backed by ‘our bulletproof 60-day moneyback guarantee.’ However, this refund policy is owned by the supplement’s retailer Clickbank. So I’m certain that if you go through Clickbank, you will get your money back.
Pros of Keravita Pro Supplement
- Minimal scammy advertising on the website at least
- The health information provided is concise and generally solid.
- Presence of a moneyback guarantee.
Cons of Keravita Pro Supplement
1. The Author is Unverifiable
Benjamin Jones calls himself a researcher with 17 years of experience who lives in Tallahassee, Florida with his wife Gemma. Apart from that, there is no other information about him, and you can’t find him anywhere else on social media.
When I tried contacting Keravita Pro for more information, all I got in reply was a bunch of promotional materials for the supplement. I don’t like this situation at all (I severely penalize products for this) and Keravita Pro won’t be an exception. The only reason why I didn’t conclude that Benjamin Jones does not exist is that Keravita Pro didn’t try to deceive anyone about his identity as other scams do.
So Keravita Pro, who is Benjamin Jones?
2. No Testimonials
Keravita Pro does not feature any testimonials on its website. That, of course, is not the problem. The problem is that there are literally NO testimonials for this supplement anywhere else on the web. So there is no way to know who actually used this supplement and whether it actually worked for those with fungal infections.
3. Contains Vague Information. Promotion is Full of Hype
Throughout the presentation, Benjamin Jones fed us with information that is basically vague and generic. He never tells us how his supplement can actually help us beat fungal infections. Instead, he tells us that he is sharing his ‘mountains of knowledge’ on how to ‘support’ our nails and hair against fungus.
Now, this wouldn’t have been a problem if Keravita Pro was being marketed as a supplement to support general health. However, the owners of this supplement are promoting it as a supplement that will stop toenail fungus. In fact, the promotional emails for this supplement boast that doctors have been rendered ‘speechless’ by its effectiveness at stopping toenail fungus infection. One email (which I received directly from Keravita Pro) even went as far as claiming that ‘just one tablespoon’ of Keravita Pro ingredients ‘can make any infection vanish almost overnight…while completely clearing your nails and skin…and without you having to use any creams or antibiotics.’ Of course, no infection, no matter how mild, vanishes overnight – talk more of fungal infections, which are notoriously difficult to treat!
Final Conclusion: Keravita Pro is NOT Recommended by Contra Health Scam
I absolutely dislike the secrecy surrounding this supplement. There is little information about this author. On the website, the information about Keravita Pro is very vague while behind the scenes, they are marketing it as a miracle toenail fungus cure. Not good!
Alternative To Keravita Pro: Candida Crusher
Candida Crusher is a program developed by Eric Bakker, a naturopathic doctor with three decades of experience treating fungal infections and psoriasis. His program contains all the information you need to treat any kind of fungal infection and it costs just $47. Compare that with the price of Keravita Pro ($70 a bottle), and you’ll realize that you’re getting a legit, better program at a cheaper price!
So if you insist on ‘natural’ means to treat your fungus infection, get Candida Crusher program now or read my Candida Crusher review for more details.
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