Don’t waste your time and money trying ED Elixir for your Erectile Dysfunction by ‘Mike’ because it is a scam! In this review, you’re going to find out all you need to know about this program, who created it, and all the reasons why you should keep your distance from it. So let’s begin!
ED Elixir was launched in April 2019. It claims to have the ‘ancient, 30-second fix’ that will get rid of your erectile dysfunction ‘forever’. According to Mike, this ‘fix’ is actually one of the secrets Genghis Khan used to maintain his sexual performance in order to famously father many children – and he used it to reverse his own ED issues. He claims that ED Elixir has already ‘helped 19,230 Men And Counting, From 43 Countries Worldwide.’ All you have to do is to drink a concoction of herbs … and that will be enough to ‘give her body-shaking, toe-curling orgasms that send her into a state of pure ecstasy.’ In fact, Mike claims that the ‘elixir’ is so potent that he was able to make love to his wife within an hour of taking it.
What ED Elixir Will Supposedly Do for You
According to Mike, ED Elixir will help you:
- ‘Turbo-charge your libido’
- ‘Improve blood flow for fully engorged erections’
- ‘Heal neural pathways between your brain and penis’
- ‘Repair vascular inflammation’
- ‘Skyrocket your sexual satisfaction (and hers)’
- ‘Control your orgasms, so YOU decide when to “unload”‘
- ‘Triple the volume and power of your ejaculations’
…and so on.
So how did this Mike stumble on this ED ‘breakthrough’? Let’s find out next!
Backstory of ED Elixir
Mike tells us a dramatic story of how he started declining sexually once he turned 40. He says that he was unable to make love to or satisfy his wife ‘Angie’. Basically, he couldn’t achieve a lasting erection and when he managed to get one, he could only last a few ‘seconds’ before ‘blowing it.’
Mike says he tried ‘the little blue pills’ (Viagra) but suffered side effects just as he was about to make love to his wife. His wife gets ‘angry’ and demands to know the other lady he’s been ‘cheating’ with, prompting him to ‘lie’ that he had aggravated a knee injury that caused him to be ‘honorably discharged’ from the U.S Marines…
To save their marriage, Mike takes his wife on a holiday trip to Cairo, Egypt. After a few glasses of wine at a restaurant, his wife was getting ‘frisky’ and wanted action. Unknown to her though, Mike had brought a ‘secret weapon’ with him, which he describes as ‘a penile injection kit I’d ordered from some website.’ He excuses himself, goes into the bathroom, and injects his manhood with it. The next thing he knew, he was in a hospital with a swollen, painful manhood.
In the hospital, Mike meets one ‘Dr. Mustafa’ who scribbles something in Arabic and gives it to him. The list supposedly contains a ‘local remedy … that’s been used for thousands of years in Asia and the Middle East, going back to the days of the emperors and conquerors … an ancient drink of the gods.’ Mike takes this list to a local ‘pharmacy’, where ‘a toothless old lady’ handed him a back filled with ‘brown powder.’ It was this powder that he used in a drink to eventually cure his ED.
Long story short, Mike returns to the US and manages to find the ingredients of the black powder in his local grocery store. Dr. Mustafa gives him more instructions to make his concoction more potent … and now he wants you to buy it as ED Elixir.
Now let’s talk about the ingredients of this concoction, shall we?
Ingredients of ED Elixir
According to Mike, here are the ingredients of ED Elixir:
- L-Citrulline
- Tribulus
- Maca root
- Catuaba bark
- Muira Puama
- One ‘mystery ingredient’ Dr. Mustafa revealed to Mike ‘on the phone’.
I briefly looked at these ingredients and found that there is little to no evidence that confirms their effectiveness in curing ED. In fact, according to available scientific research, only L-Citrulline has been found to have a beneficial effect on men with mild ED [PubMed]. But its effect is far weaker than that of conventional ED drugs like Viagra.
Science Behind ED Elixir
ED Elixir is based on what we already know about what causes erectile dysfunction. Basically, blood doesn’t adequately flow into the blood vessels of your member, leading to your inability to achieve a lasting erection. However, Mike claims that the ‘root cause’ of this problem is ‘plaque … clogging your arteries.’ As far as he’s concerned, all you have to do to reverse ED is to eliminate the plaque blocking your arteries. And that is what his ED Elixir will do for you.
How Much Does it Cost?
ED Elixir costs $37. It also comes with a ’60-day money back guarantee’ but if I were you, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Anyway, time to have fun. Why is ED Elixir a scam?
1. The Author Does NOT Exist!
Mike calls himself a former US Marine. Apart from that, there is no other information about him. No surname, no social media presence. But don’t bother looking for him because he doesn’t exist. Here’s why:

That’s right. You can buy that photo from
Notice how the photo is conveniently placed at the part where he is talking about his family? Also, notice how the photo perfectly describes his supposed ‘two children’? Also, note that the flag is photoshopped into the photo.
This is an absolute indication of a scam!
2. Unverifiable, Untrustworthy Testimonials.
ED Elixir features a few photo testimonials whose origins I couldn’t trace. However, I believe that those photos are fake and altered. Besides, ED Elixir admits in its Terms and conditions that the photos and names used in the testimonials ‘have been changed to protect the privacy of those individuals.’
So what does that tell you? We simply can’t believe their testimonials!
3. Possible Link to Other Known Scams
In the Terms and Conditions of ED Elixir, I noticed something strange. Under the ‘Persona Use’ section, ED Elixir stated that the author has chosen to use the pseudonym ‘Liz Swann Miller’:

Now, why is this important? Because the name ‘Liz Swann Miller’ is used to market the notorious weight loss scams called Red Tea Detox and Red Smoothie Detox Factor.
So what does this mean? Either of the following:
- ED Elixir copied the Terms and Conditions of Red Tea Detox and forgot to swap Liz’s name (that’s exactly what happened)
- The scammers behind Red Tea Detox are also behind ED Elixir (I’m not sure about this one)
Anyhow, we’re dealing with a careless scammer!
4. Oversimplifies the Cause of Erectile Dysfunction
If you listen to Mike, you may think that the real cause of ED is as simple as plaque blocking the arteries supplying your heart and/or manhood. While that can definitely cause ED, the truth is that plaque accumulation in your arteries is not the only cause of ED. A host of other factors can cause ED, including sleep disorders, stress, and mental health problems … and as you can see, none of these involve blocking your arteries. That’s why it’s important to see your doctor to properly single out the cause of your ED. Not all ED cases are caused by clogged arteries!
So Mike’s claim that his elixir can address ‘the root cause of ED’ by dissolving the plaque blocking your arteries is downright wrong and an oversimplification at best. Don’t fall for it!
Final Conclusion: DON’T BUY ED Elixir. It is A SCAM!
Blacklisted Website:
Clickbank is the retailer of this program. So if you’ve made the mistake of buying it, then as for your money back by contacting Clickbank directly. Don’t bother going through ‘Mike’ because you’ll never get your money back that way!
Alternative to ED Elixir: Juicing For Your Manhood

If you want to use ‘natural’ means to address your ED issues, then I suggest that you try Juicing For Your Manhood by Olivier Langlois. Now while I’m not guaranteeing that it will cure your ED, I think that it may help in addressing some of the known causes. So give it a shot and if it doesn’t work for you, get your money back. One thing is certain though: It is NOT a scam like ED Elixir. Get the program now or read my review for more details.
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