Japanese Toenail Fungus Code by ‘Terry Williams’ is nothing but a very annoying scam … and in this short review, you’ll learn all you need to know about this pathetic excuse of an anti-fungus product. So let’s get started, shall we?
Created in May 2016, Japanese Toenail Fungus Code (aka Organic Fungus Nuker) claims to be the product that will get rid of your fungal infection ‘in just 14 days.’ Yeah, that’s right. According to Williams, you can get rid of your toenail fungus in ‘just 14 days’! Well, the fact is that it is impossible to get rid of a fungus infection in a few days because fungal cells are similar to that of humans. This means that the body’s immune system will not easily recognize and get rid of fungal infections…
Anyway, let’s briefly look at the backstory of this scam.
Backstory of Japanese Toenail Fungus Code
Terry Williams tells us a sad story about how his wife Caroline suffered from liver failure and almost died … all because she had a toenail fungus infection and made the ‘big mistake’ of seeing a podiatrist. So what was the awful thing the podiatrist did to Caroline? He prescribed her ‘a death cocktail’ of Lamisil.
Now with Caroline languishing in hospital supposedly with no hope in sight, Terry says he returned home and ‘began researching every possible scrap of information on fungal infections, treatments, homemade cures and what not.’ His ‘research’ yielded two ‘truly disturbing’ findings:
- Fungal spores are ‘everywhere’ and your air-conditioning unit is part of the reason why fungal spores are in your home
- By eating carbs, we also feed the fungi in our system since they love eating sugar.
Armed with this ‘newfound knowledge’, Terry contacts his Japanese childhood next-door neighbor Ayumi Hayashi. Terry claims he once saved Ayumi from ‘an abusive boyfriend’ and for this reason, Ayumi was ever ready and willing to help … which she did. Ayumi introduced him to one holistic medical practitioner called ‘Dr. Ishiguro’, who allegedly uses an ‘ancient Japanese secret’ to treat toenail fungus…
I’m tired.
Now to the fun part, shall we?
1. Terry Williams Does NOT Exist!

Terry Williams claims to live in Oak Park, Illinois, with his wife Carolina, and two children Mathew and Jessica. But that is a lie because that photo passed off as him actually belongs to a French model called Bill Smithy!
This absolutely rubbishes his sob story of his wife almost dying from toenail fungus. It also exposes him as a liar who never rescued any ‘Ayumi Hayashi’ from an abusive boyfriend. He also never met any ‘Dr. Ishiguro’ … and these characters do NOT exist!
Update 05.10.2021:
The scammers have replaced the stolen photo with a video of a man calling himself ‘Dr. James Clement’. By this action, we’re now expected to believe that Terry Williams is no longer the author of the Japanese Toenail Fungus Code.

Fake Testimonials With Paid Actors, Stolen Photos
All the testimonials featured in the Japanese Toenail Fungus Code were made using paid actors and stolen photos. Take for example that man calling himself ‘Dr Adam Davis.’ He’s just an actor called ‘Godfather.’ You can hire him on Fiverr.com starting at $100.

As for the woman calling herself ‘Sue Holt,’ rest assured that she’s just a paid actress like the fake doctor above. Here are two videos of her on YouTube giving testimonials under the names ‘Suzie‘ and ‘Marina’.
That’s not all.
- ‘Edna E. Holmes’ from Saint Luis is actually a popular stock photo most probably taken from India Times;
- ‘Brandon Little’ from Grand Rapids is actually the stolen photo of a man called Brandon Sheppard.
So as you can see, they are all absolutely fake!
3. Similar to Another Scam Called Organic Fungus Nuker
Japanese Toenail Fungus Code is similar to another scam on the web called Organic Fungus Nuker. They both share the same author and the same backstory with the same characters. There are two noticeable differences though:
- Japanese Toenail Fungus Code is an eBook, while Organic Fungus Nuker is marketed as a supplement;
- Organic Fungus Nuker has a different set of fake testimonials.
I’ll do a more detailed review of Organic Fungus Nuker if the need arises.
4. Insane Scammy Advertising
Japanese Toenail Fungus Code has one of the highest levels of scammy advertising that I’ve seen so far. First, the scammer tries his best to convince his readers that the medical industry is out to kill them with Lamisil and Sporanox, the two drugs most often prescribed to fungus patients. However, the scammer fails to tell you that anti-fugal drugs like Lamisil and Sporanox are toxic to humans because fungal cells are similar to that of humans and so the drugs that kill fungal cells will also kill human cells when taken orally. That’s why most antifungal drugs are in ointment form … and oral ones like Lamisil/Sporanox are only prescribed in severe, especially stubborn cases.
Next, there is this very annoying pop-up that appears every few seconds offering you a 25% discount on a $39 product. Terry’s reason for this annoying but-generous offer? ‘I would never forgive myself if you left empty-handed without giving this breakthrough toenail fungus reversing system a try.’

Aww … how nice of you, Terry!
Final Conclusion: DON’T BUY Japanese Toenail Fungus Code. It is A SCAM!
Blacklisted Websites: JapaneseToenailFungusCode.com, OrganicFungusNuker.com
Software Projects is the retailer of this product. So if you made the mistake of buying it, ask for your money back by using this form or calling 1-800-218-1525.
Alternative to Japanese Toenail Fungus Code
Candida Crusher. This program by experienced naturopathic physician Eric Bakker has all the information you need to cure any kind of fungal infection. I highly recommend this program so you can either buy it now or read my review for more details.
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