Don’t waste your time trying to use Acidaburn supplement for weight loss because it is a scam! This nonsensical supplement by the so-called ‘Master Sergeant Randy Walker’ is nothing more than an ‘upgrade’ to the known scam Lean Body Hacks so don’t think for a second that you have stumbled upon a supplement that will help you burn fat and achieve that body shape you desire. In this review, you’ll find out all you need to know about this supplement and all the reasons why you should NOT spend your money on it. So let’s begin!
Acidaburn supplement was launched in November 2020. According to Randy Walker, his suicidal sister used the supplement to lose 48 pounds. Yes, it was his sister’s ‘suicide attempt’ that led to the discovery of ‘a shocking weight loss lie,’ paving the way for her to lose weight. Now he’s trying to convince you, the potential buyer, to join ‘21,565 people’ who have already lost weight with his supplement.
The backstory of Acidaburn is clearly lifted from Lean Body Hacks but the scammers tried their best to make it look completely different. But this is not my first rodeo so they can’t fool me easily!
Let’s talk about it.
Backstory of Acidaburn
I’m not going to waste my precious time retelling the backstory of Acidaburn because it is boring and I’ve covered it before in my Lean Body Hacks review. Here I’m only going to highlight the similarities and differences.
- The protagonists of the backstories both attempted suicide by overdosing on Tylenol
- The authors are both ‘Master Sergeants’ and bear the name Randy
- Both actors met the same ‘researcher’ with the same qualifications (see below):

From the screenshot above, you can clearly see that the script is the same!
- In Lean Body Hacks, the protagonist is Lisa, Randy’s mom. Over at Acidaburn, it is Lisa, Randy’s sister.
- In Lean Body Hacks, Randy’s surname is Smith. In Acidaburn, Randy’s surname is Walker.
- In Lean Body Hacks, Lisa’s suicide attempt was witnessed by her 11-year-old daughter. But at Acidaburn, Lisa’s suicide attempt was witnessed by her 11-year-old brother.
Apart from these, every other thing is essentially the same. So if you make the necessary substitutions in the backstory I retold in my Lean Body Hacks review, then you have yourself the backstory of Acidaburn.
Moving on.
Science Behind Acidaburn Supplement
The scientific basis of Acidaburn supplement is the same old schtick about how maintaining healthy gut bacteria helps boost metabolism, leading to weight loss. Before then, Randy rattles off what he says are 4 things that help us break down food ‘and fat’. One of them is ‘stomach acid’. Randy alleges that you’re being lied to when you are told to ‘lower your stomach acid.’ The problem with this allegation is that in medicine, the only time someone is ‘told’ to lower stomach acid is when the person has been diagnosed with gastritis, peptic ulcer, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) due to excessive acid production revealed by laboratory investigations.
Anyway, Randy claims that with the ‘military secret’ contained in his Acidaburn supplement, you can reconfigure your body to effortlessly burn fat without having to ‘starve yourself’ or ‘leaving your couch’ to do any exercise. Interesting. Let’s find out how Acidaburn works, shall we?
How Acidaburn Works
Just like in Lean Body Hacks, Acidaburn works by combining a bunch of ‘herbs and spices’, plus some ‘tricks’, in some specific, ‘unique ratio.’ Randy goes on to add that this ratio is the system routinely used by ‘Muay Thai fighters all the way from Thailand’ to be in shape and keep off unwanted excess fat.
Randy says that his ‘unique ratio’ combination of herbs has been ‘scientifically proven in the labs’ of his unnamed researcher friend. Here are the supposed herbs that make up his miracle ‘ratio’:
- Psyllium husk
- Black walnut
- Flaxseed
- Aloe vera
Randy claims that all you now need to do is to do the simple ’60-second morning ritual’ of taking his supplement, boasting that Acidaburn is backed by 30 years’ worth of research. LOL.
By the way, Randy failed to provide any citations to prove his claims.
How Much Does It Cost?
A bottle of Acidaburn costs $59. A bottle represents a month’s supply.
There are two other plans:
- 3 bottles at $49 per bottle
- 6-bottles at $45 per bottle
All these plans come with ‘free shipping’ and what Randy calls a ’60-day money-back guarantee’ but if I were you, I won’t bother going through him to get your money back. Thankfully, you can easily get your refund through the retailer (details later) or file a credit card dispute with your bank or card provider.
Now to the fun part. Why is Acidaburn weight loss supplement a scam?
1. The Author is Unverifiable (Does NOT Exist)
In the video presentation, a man introduces himself as ‘Master Sergeant Randy Walker’, a supposed ‘ proud retired Marine sniper’ who fought against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. The problem? This is the same profile of the Randy of Lean Body Hacks … and we know for a fact that the latter is a stock photo.
So given the glaring evidence, it’s clear that the man calling himself Randy Walker is just a paid actor. You can’t convince me otherwise!

2. Fake, Recycled Testimonials.
The testimonials featured in Acidaburn are just stolen photo testimonials that are recycled from Lean Body Hacks. To show you how lazy and blatant this is, the scammers didn’t even bother changing the names attached to the testimonials to make them different. However, they swapped the photo of the woman named ‘Olivia’ (which Contra Health Scam exposed) with the photo of the Lean Body Hacks researcher’s sister:

Again, you can see the glaring similar claims, further proving that the script is the same! Speaking of scripts:
3. Similar To Known Scam Lean Body Hacks
So far in this review, you have already seen enough evidence proving beyond any reasonable doubt that Acidaburn is just the same as Lean Body Hacks. The only difference here is that the former is a supplement while the latter was a program. In fact, the video presentation of Acidaburn is simply Lean Body Hacks video heavily re-edited to remove references to the latter and include the former. You can clearly notice it whenever the word ‘Acidaburn’ is mentioned by the video narrator.
So don’t waste your time on this supplement!
Final Conclusion: DON’T BUY Acidaburn Supplement. It is A SCAM!
Blacklisted Website:
This scam is marketed by Clickbank. So if you have made the mistake of buying this product, then ask for your money back by contacting Clickbank directly. Please note that Clickbank itself is a trustworthy company and they do their best to rid themselves of scammy products. So please be respectful while requesting your refund.
Alternatives to Acidaburn Supplement
Rather than wasting your money on this scam, here are better, legit weight loss programs and products you can try instead:
1. Eat Stop Eat.
This is a weight loss program by Brad Pilon. It is a very famous program that has stood the test of time. Eat Stop Eat is all about how to lose weight and gain muscle by doing the correct form of intermittent fasting. One thing I like about this program is that there are no diet restrictions. You get to eat whatever you want on non-fasting days. Get the program now (also available in paperback at Amazon) or read my review for more details.
2. Trim Down Club.
This is an 8-week weight loss community program designed by a team of experienced dietitians and scientists. For just $1.99, you’ll get one-month access to an amazing Menu Planner, an 8-week weight loss eating plan, free access to free expert consultation, and much more. You can either join now or read my review for more details.
3. PhenGold Supplement
This is a new supplement that is designed to help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism, suppressing your appetite, and giving you extra energy so that you won’t have to crave food all the time. This supplement is ideal for those who are exercising to lose weight so if you’re already working out, I highly recommend adding this supplement to your routine. Get the supplement now or read my review for more details.
4. HealthyWage (Get Paid to Lose Weight)
This program offers you cash rewards just for losing weight. As crazy as this sounds, they are the real deal and have been paying out thousands of dollars since 2009. This program is designed for those who have lost their motivation or need something to keep them focused on the goal of losing weight. Find out how it works by reading my comprehensive review or you can join now.
There are other weight loss programs and products in my Whitelist. So if any of the above-listed do not suit your unique needs, then head over there to find the one you need. Rest assured that they are NOT scams, and you’ll get your money back without question should you decide to do that.
If this review has helped you, please don’t forget to share it with the relevant people you know. Also, feel free to use the comments section if you have any contributions to make. Thank you!