Keep your distance from Leptitox weight loss supplement by ‘Morgan Hurst’ because it is a scam! This popular product is just another scam by the same people behind the colossal scam Halki Diabetes Remedy and in this review, you’ll find out all you need to know about it and why I arrived at my conclusion. So let’s begin!
Table of Contents
- Backstory of Leptitox Supplement
- Science Behind Leptitox Supplement
- Ingredients of Leptitox Supplement
- 1. Morgan Hurst Does NOT Exist! (Paid Actor)
- 2. Fake Testimonials With Stolen Photos
- 3. Twists Scientific Research to Sell Scam
- FINAL CONCLUSION: DON’T BUY Leptitox Weight Loss Supplement. It is A SCAM!
- Alternatives to Leptitox Diet Supplement
Leptitox was launched in April this year. It claims to have a ‘simple forbidden 5-second water hack’ that will reverse your food cravings and help you shed excess weight in a relatively short period of time. According to Hurst, he used this same ‘secret’ to help his wife lose 62 pounds of fat ‘in just a matter of weeks.’ He goes on to tell us that his wife was able to achieve this amazing result without having to give up her favorite foods or do any exercise. All she had to do is to do the ‘5-second hack’ – which he discovered from a tiny Malaysian island called Langkawi – once a day for the pounds to melt away.
Hurst also tells us that the root cause of weight gain isn’t your eating habits, lifestyle, genetics, or even your hormones and metabolism. Instead, he claims that the root cause of obesity is some ‘dangerous foreign compound swimming in your bloodstream right now.’ This supposed ‘toxin’ is the reason why you are perpetually hungry and desiring fast foods like pizza and burgers but don’t worry … Leptitox has come to the rescue!
Of course, we’re going to talk more about this later but first, let’s briefly look at the backstory behind this scam, shall we?
Backstory of Leptitox Supplement
The backstory of Leptitox is simply a rehash of the old, tired, boring backstory that was featured in Halki Diabetes Remedy. If you read my Halki Diabetes Remedy review before going to the Leptitox website, it won’t take you long to realize that both products are sharing the same script. The only difference between the two is the necessary tweaking of the script to fit the products being advertised, change of photos and of course, changing of the names featured in the story.
So instead of wasting my time retelling this awfully boring backstory all over again, here is what I’m going to do: If you really want to have an idea of what the backstory of Leptitox is all about, head over to the backstory section of my Halki Diabetes Remedy review and do the following:
- Replace ‘Cathy’ with Hurst’s wife’s name ‘Grace’
- Replace rogue diabetes industry insider ‘Kevin’ with his weight loss industry counterpart ‘Jonah’
- Replace ‘the 3 closely guarded and biggest LIES of the diabetes industry’ with Leptitox’s weight loss equivalent:
Lie #1: Dieting helps you lose weight
Lie #2: Exercise helps you lose weight
Lie #3: Slow metabolism causes weight gain
- Replace Greece with Malaysia
- Replace Halki island with Langkawi island
- Replace Halki native ‘Alexander Doukas’ with Langkawi native ‘Ashraff Hadi’
- Replace ‘medical researcher Amanda Feerson’ with ‘Sonya Rhodes’
…and you have for yourself the backstory of Leptitox weight loss supplement.
Moving on.
Science Behind Leptitox Supplement
Mr. Hurst tells us that the real root cause of weight gain is leptin resistance which, in turn, is caused by toxic chemicals collectively known as Endocrine Disruptive Chemicals (EDC). For those who don’t know, leptin is the hormone that controls how much you eat. It does that by signaling your brain to stop stimulating hunger. If leptin function is impaired as we see in leptin resistance, your brain will think that you’re starving and will continue stimulating hunger, leading to excess food consumption and consequently, obesity.
Hurst blames EDCs for leptin resistance. Specifically, he singled out these particular EDCs called BPA (Bisphenol A), TBT (Tributyltin), and PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid) as the main culprits behind leptin resistance. He then proceeds to prove his claim by making the following citations:
- A study by ‘a team at the Department of Neuroscience in Ontario, Canada’ published 2 years ago found that giving mice a dose of BPA ‘lower than deemed safe by the U.S Food and Drug Administration’ resulted in them developing leptin resistance and weight gain.
- A March 2019 study published in Frontiers in Endocrinology also linked TBT to leptin resistance.
- A study published in ‘Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology’ also linked PFOA to leptin resistance.
- The American Medical Association, the National Institute of Health, and the White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity have declared EDCs as ‘an immediate danger to America’s waistlines.’
- ‘Study after study’ from different researchers including ‘Dr. Oz’ has linked EDCs to leptin resistance.
- Researchers at Stirling University found a direct correlation between increased EDC levels and leptin resistance. In fact, Hurst claims that the university called EDCs ‘the real reason for America’s obesity epidemic.’
Of course, these studies are the reason why Hurst came to his conclusion that your diet, exercise, and genetics are not the real causes of your obesity issues. But don’t fret because he has the solution in Leptitox pill.
Speaking of the devil, what are the ‘miracle’ ingredients?
Ingredients of Leptitox Supplement
Keep in mind that Leptitox shares the same script with Halki Diabetes Remedy. So Hurst makes the same claim as his Halki counterpart:
Malaysia’s EDC pollution level is ‘one of the highest in the world’ and even ‘far higher than the US’. Despite that, however, Malaysians have ‘one of the lowest levels of overweight people.’ He then credits the local food recipes of the Malaysians as the reason behind this spectacular finding. Again, this claim contradicts the Sterling University research he cited which found that increased EDC levels are directly linked to leptin resistance … but what do I know?
Anyway, here are the supposed ingredients of Leptitox:
- Marian thistle (aka Milk thistle; supposedly works by supporting normal cholesterol levels, anti-aging effects, and helping your body get rid of BPA)
- Apium graveolens seed (allegedly detoxifies another EDC called DEHP)
- Jujube (this one supposedly destroys an ‘endocrine disrupter’ called ZEA)
- Grape seed (‘destroys’ cadmium, yet another EDC)
- Alfafa (this one ‘replenishes vitamins and health the liver’)
- Chanca piedra (an antioxidant that supposedly destroys EDCs, fights inflammation, etc)
- Taraxacum leaves (this one contains vitamin K ‘that protects bone health and cleanses the liver’)
- Brassicas (a type of broccoli rich in cysteine, an amino acid needed to manufacture the body’s natural antioxidant glutathione)
- Barberry (supposedly prevents fat storage, supports healthy cholesterol levels, and boosts brain health)
- Two unnamed ingredients
All these ingredients are part of the recipe Hurst got from the Langkawi island native ‘Ashraff Hadi’ … and with the help of ‘medical researcher Sonya Rhodes’, he was able to make a formula that will instantly reverse your leptin resistance and melt away excess fat in less than a month.
Now that’s all I’m going to take from this supplement’s claims. Now on to the reason why Leptitox is a scam!
1. Morgan Hurst Does NOT Exist! (Paid Actor)
The man in the video calling himself Morgan Hurst claims that he’s ‘no doctor’ or nutritionist or ‘guest lecturer at Yale University.’ Rather, he’s just a 47-year-old common man like you who works as a firefighter and lives with his wife and three children in Denver, Colorado. He then conveniently shows us a video of a young woman taking selfies with three kids, apparently to make the viewer think that they are actually his wife and kids. But just like every single video clip that’s not of him in the presentation, that video is just a stock video you can buy at Shutterstock.
Hurst also shows us a before-after photo of his wife Grace. I wasn’t able to trace where he stole it from but I’m pretty sure that the woman in the photos is NOT his wife. This is because, given the similarity of this product with Halki Diabetes Remedy, there’s no way I’ll ever believe that any of the photos shown to us are not stolen from other sources.

2. Fake Testimonials With Stolen Photos
Now while the scammers did a better job of selecting their testimonial photos so that their origin cannot be traced, I was still able to confirm my assumption that all the testimonials featured in Leptitox diet supplement are stolen photos. Here they are:
- ‘Stuart C.’ is just a stolen photo of a man named Barry Parkes. Parkes said that he lost weight with the help of Fitbit. And he lost 122 pounds, not 77 pounds as claimed by Hurst.
- ‘Mary W.’ is actually the stolen photo of an Obesity Help user called Phat_girl_38. As you read from the article, this lady lost weight after undergoing vertical sleeve gastrectomy (weight loss surgery) back in 2014. So not only did she lose weight 5 years BEFORE Leptitox diet supplement was created, but she lost weight via surgery.
Now, do you see why I don’t believe anything this Leptitox scammer claims?
3. Twists Scientific Research to Sell Scam
The scammer behind Leptitox diet supplement did not disappoint when it came to twisting scientific research in order to sell his scam. First of all, I didn’t find any research by ‘a team at the Department of Neuroscience in Ontario, Canada’ saying that mice exposed to BPA levels below that deemed safe by the FDA developed leptin resistance. I also did not find any article by Sterling University declaring EDCs as ”the real reason of America’s obesity epidemic.’ Even if that is true, it still doesn’t mean that EDCs are the root cause of obesity.
Again, none of the research articles Hurst cited said anything about EDCs being the root cause of obesity. The only thing I got from the research articles is the agreement that EDCs are a threat to our metabolic health and that more research is needed to better understand their impact. The closest thing said about EDCs causing obesity is that BPA does indeed interfere with the activity of leptin. But that does NOT mean that it causes leptin resistance or that leptin resistance is the root cause of obesity.
Either way you look at it, this is a classic tactic used by scammers to deceive people. I’ve seen it too many times to be taken in by it. So don’t fall for it!
FINAL CONCLUSION: DON’T BUY Leptitox Weight Loss Supplement. It is A SCAM!
Blacklisted Website:
Clickbank is the retailer of this program. So if you’ve made the mistake of buying this product, simply ask for your money back by contacting Clickbank directly for your refund. Don’t bother contacting Leptitox’s ‘support’ because you’ll never get your money from them!
Alternatives to Leptitox Diet Supplement
Rather than wasting your time and money on this scam, here are legit, cheaper programs that you can try instead:
1. Thin From Within (Truth About Keto).
This is a program by well-known nutritionist and fitness expert Brad Pilon. He designed this program specifically for women whose metabolism and/or bodily function has been wrecked by the harsh regimen of keto. It is also suitable for any female seeking to lose weight. Pilon assures that with this program, you will lose weight seamlessly and pleasantly without having to experience the side effects that normally accompany keto. Get the program now or read my review for more details.
2. Eat Stop Eat.
This is another weight loss program by Brad Pilon. It is a very famous program that has stood the test of time. Eat Stop Eat is all about how to lose weight and gain muscle by doing the correct form of intermittent fasting. One thing I like about this program is that there are no diet restrictions. You get to eat whatever you want on non-fasting days. Get the program now or read my review for more details.
3. Trim Down Club.
This is an 8-week weight loss community program designed by a team of experienced dietitians and scientists. For just $1.99, you’ll get one-month access to an amazing Menu Planner, an 8-week weight loss eating plan, free access to free expert consultation, and much more. You can either join now or read my review for more details.
4. HealthyWage (Get Paid to Lose Weight)
This program offers you cash rewards just for losing weight. As crazy as this sounds they are the real deal and have been paying out thousands of dollars since 2009. This program is designed for those who have lost their motivation or need something to keep them focused on the goal of losing weight. Find out how it works by reading my comprehensive review or you can join now.
There are several other weight loss products you can choose from in my Whitelist if the above-listed do not meet your demands. Rest assured that they are all genuine programs that honor their refund policy without any shenanigans, as you will most likely experience with scams like Leptitox.
Feel free to use the comments section if you have any contributions to make. Thank you!