Don’t bother trying The Big Heart Disease Lie by ‘International Truth in Medicine Council (ITMC) for your heart disease or high blood pressure because it is a scam! Our favorite fake medical council of ‘The Big Diabetes Lie‘ infamy is back with another gem … and Contra Health Scam is more than happy to welcome them with a very good scam review. So without wasting any more time, let’s begin exposing the scam, shall we?
The Big Heart Disease Lie was created in March 2016 but launched just this past November. It claims to have secrets that will help you reverse your heart disease, lower your cholesterol level and lower your blood pressure. All this you can achieve without having ‘the need for prescription drugs, doctors visits, grueling workouts or expensive supplements.’
The ITMC goes on to claim that their team of ‘doctors’ have used their technique to help ‘47,542 people transform their lives’ for the better. They also claim that their secret has been ‘scientifically verified and proven by doctors,’ and that various Hollywood celebrities, including former U.S. president Bill Clinton, have all used it to reverse their heart disease.
I think by now you’re seeing where this is going, right? Well, let’s head to the fun part. Why is The Big Heart Disease Lie a scam?
1. ITMC is Shady
The International Truth in Medicine Council (ITMC) is a ‘medical team’ that is highly confusing. First, ‘Dr. Adams’, the voice in the video presentation, is just a photo, while ‘Dr. Vito’ is a photo of a Ukrainian doctor named Guzhevsky Igor Vitalevich – who they later correctly identified in the ‘Our Doctors’ section of the website. Maybe that’s his nickname.
As for ‘M. Sidorov,’ I covered his own unique case in detail in The Big Diabetes Lie review. There, I said that Max Sidorov was the victim of identity theft. But that review was written before Max updated his Facebook profile claiming ownership of ITMC. So at this point, it’s safe to conclude that he indeed is behind this product.
Now apart from Sidorov and the stock photo of Adams, the other three are indeed legit doctors. But I find it very hard to believe that they are aware of this ITMC thing. To start with, all the ‘patients’ featured on the ITMC website are stock photos:
- ‘Irma’, ITMC’s supposed Type 2 diabetes patient, is a stock photo from Shutterstock, Dreamstime, and Deposit Photos.
- ‘Julian’, ITMC’s supposed weight loss patient, is a stock photo from Big Stock Photo and Dreamstime.
- ‘Maria’, ITMC’s supposed Heart Disease patient, is a stock photo from Shutterstock;
- ‘Anna’, ITMC’s supposed Asthma and Allergies patient, is a stock photo from Shutterstock and Dreamstime;
- ‘James’, ITMC’s supposed Erectile Dysfunction patient, is a stock photo from Shutterstock.
Now no doctor in his right mind will pass off stock photos as that of their patients without disclosing it in a disclaimer, which is the case here. That’s as shady as you can get. And I’m not done yet. Let’s now get to the other weird thing I discovered concerning ITMC: Their connection to the known scam The Big Diabetes Lie.
2. ITMC or ICTM?
For some weird reason, ITMC tried to give the impression that they are this new, awesome group of doctors who just came into the market to ‘put patients first, not profit.’ But at the same time, they gave out obvious clues which show they are, in fact, the same as ICTM, the group behind The Big Diabetes Lie scam.
For example,
- The doctors that make up ITMC are different from those that make up ICTM, but M. Sidorov is prominently mentioned in both groups, and a ‘Max in the News’ section is even featured at the footer of both sites.
- The titles of both products are similar (The Big Diabetes Lie vs The Big Heart Disease Lie)
- The website design is the same.
It gets even weirder when you check out ITMC’s website. There, under the ‘health programs’ section, The Big Diabetes Lie program was hosted in the domain, where you are hit with this glaring contradiction:
To give you more context to what I’m talking about, here is what is supposedly the official website of ICTM. Notice that the very same video is there, but without the ITMC members on it.
Also, the cover of The Big Heart Disease Lie eBook has the ICTM logo on it and not that of ITMC.
So as you can see, this is a highly shady organization. Any sane person will avoid this kind of environment…and that’s what I’m encouraging everyone who reads this review to do.
3. Makes Questionable, Potentially Dangerous Recommendations
Given the fact that we’re supposed to believe that these ITMC guys are doctors, I find their recommendations on how to tackle heart disease to be shocking and uncharacteristic of a doctor who knows what he’s talking about. First, they begin by saying:
When you have heart disease, your doctor will usually tell you your cholesterol and blood pressure levels are high. But resent [sic] shocking research reveals that having high cholesterol does not mean you have heart disease.
As you can see, ITMC is insinuating that doctors are lying when they talk to you about cholesterol and its link to heart disease. But then in the second sentence, they acknowledge the truth about what doctors think about cholesterol and heart disease: High blood cholesterol is not a diagnosis for heart disease. What a way of disrespecting your colleagues huh?
Now, what are their recommendations?
- Don’t take drugs to lower your cholesterol
- Lowering cholesterol is bad
- Don’t bother undergoing coronary bypass surgery or stenting, as they are ‘dangerous’ and do not cure atherosclerosis
They then cite some scientific studies (without providing references) to justify their claim. According to them, one of these studies allegedly found that LDL (bad cholesterol) is NOT the main culprit behind plaque formation in blood vessels (atherosclerosis), but a different kind of cholesterol called Lipoprotein A LDL (Lp(a) for short). So in other words, taking lipid-lowering drugs like statins to lower your cholesterol is unnecessary. And given that these drugs can have serious side effects, ITMC didn’t hesitate to exploit them to create fear in those already on these drugs.
Now while surgery is generally not the first line treatment for atherosclerosis, it becomes absolutely necessary when the heart blood vessels get blocked to at least 50% and the patient’s life is threatened [Medscape]. It is not even recommended to perform the surgery on patients if they are asymptomatic or not at risk for heart attack and death. So by raising this issue of surgery, ITMC has hinted that they don’t even know this fact. Instead, they look like people spreading unnecessary panic in order to sell their book.
It gets worse from here. Now let’s talk about Lpa cholesterol.
4. Lies and Twists Facts About Lp(a) Cholesterol
As I mentioned earlier, ITMC says that Lp(a), not LDL, is the type of cholesterol that causes plaque buildup in blood vessels. They also claim that Lp(a) is the only type of cholesterol that causes plaque and using cholesterol-lowering drugs like statins doesn’t help. They then conclude by saying that you can lower your Lp(a) levels by essentially dieting with ‘2 simple compounds found in your local grocery store or health food shop.’
Now ITMC is only right in saying that Lp(a) elevation is a definite cause of heart disease. But every other thing they claim is a lie. First of all, Lp(a) is NOT the only lipoprotein that causes plaque. The good old LDL cholesterol is still the main culprit. Second, statins are NOT entirely useless in controlling Lp(a). Thirdly and most importantly, Lp(a) is a genetically determined lipoprotein so its level CAN NOT be controlled by any kind of lifestyle changes. This means that dieting, exercise or weight loss will NOT lower or increase your Lp(a) level [DocsOpinion]
This last fact alone completely renders The Big Heart Disease Lie useless as a program. Add that to the lies and deception and you have for yourself a worthless book full of conspiracy theories.
Final Conclusion: DON’T BUY The Big Heart Disease Lie. It is A SCAM!
Blacklisted Website:
Unfortunately, The Big Heart Disease Lie is not hosted directly by an online retailer so you’re left with the option of filing a credit card dispute with your bank if you’ve already bought it. Be assured that they will not honor their 60-day money-back guarantee so save yourself the hassle. But if you still want to give it a shot, you’re welcome to do that and give me feedback.
Please note that Lp(a) is not the main cause of atherosclerosis. Bad LDL still is, and so you must modify your lifestyle to reduce the blood LDL level (weight loss, eating less saturated fat, etc). Of course, don’t forget about other diseases that can lead to cardiac problems (especially diabetes and obesity) and modify your lifestyle accordingly. Check my Whitelist for recommended programs for diabetes and weight loss. Most importantly, LISTEN to your doctor when it comes to heart disease. Don’t let products like this stop you from following your doctor’s recommendations!
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